Adjustments and Manipulation

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation, is the primary chiropractic treatment method for back pain.

Spinal manipulation relieves pressure on joints, reduces inflammation, and improves nerve function. It has been a trusted form of treatment since the ancient Greek Hippocrates documented manipulative techniques in his writings back in 1500 B.C. Today, spinal manipulation is used to treat conditions such as allergies, menstrual cramps and headaches.

How Does Spinal Manipulation Work?

There are well over 100 types of adjustment techniques used by chiropractors throughout the world. Some practitioners may use force and twisting, while other techniques are more gentle. Regardless of how they are performed, these techniques are intended to restore or enhance joint function with the objectives of reducing pain and resolving joint inflammation.

When vertebrae shift out of place, there is an overall systemic response from the muscular system to the central nervous system. Without proper alignment and flow, our nerves, our immune system, and our minds cannot function at their highest peak.

Overall, spinal adjustments and manipulations are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level without any discomfort. When the body is adequately aligned, it becomes able to respond and perform as it was built to do.

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10102 North Lamar Blvd | Austin TX, 78753

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If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Austin, chiropractor in North Lamar or a Pflugerville chiropractor, you’ve come to the right place. North Lamar Chiropractic serves a wide area and is run by chiropractor Joseph H. Lones III, DC, an expert chiropractor specializing in top-quality health and wellness. Our team is committed to providing pain relief and discomfort for all your maladies and symptoms, helping you get back on track to a higher quality of life as soon as possible.

Si está buscando un quiropráctico en Austin, un quiropráctico en North Lamar o un quiropráctico Pflugerville, ha venido al lugar correcto. North Lamar Chiropractic atiende un área amplia y está dirigida por el quiropráctico Joseph H. Lones III, DC, un quiropráctico experto especializado en salud y bienestar de alta calidad. Nuestro equipo se compromete a proporcionar alivio del dolor y molestias para todas sus enfermedades y síntomas, ayudándole a volver a encaminarse hacia una mejor calidad de vida lo antes posible.